Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fired!! *hangs head in shame*

So, I am a complete failure.  I haven't posted in months!  
A lot has happened, and yet nothing much has happened.  I got a job mid-March working at a local grocery store, which was nice.  I had a job, yay!  I applied to 3 universities, but only got into one, so guess where I am now going to school?  The second week in July my family went on their annual camping trip.  For the most part it was a lot of fun. Right after we got back I moved to my university town because I had gotten a job working at a call center and needed to get through training before school started.  Well, I made it through training and started taking calls and then realized that I hated it.  I quit that job the week before school started and have been looking for a new job since then.  School started two weeks ago, and has been going quite well.  I have one class that is almost completely grad students, so I feel rather dumb in that class, but I will manage to deal with it.
I applied for a job working with one of my professors, who is also the director of the museum at my school.  I spoke with his secretary on Friday, and she thinks that I will work out well for the position.  I just have to talk to my professor now, but he is out of town all next week, so it will have to wait until the week after.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!
So, one good thing that come from working at the call center is that I found out about Bountiful Baskets.  The call center is the pick up site for my area.  For those of you who don't know, Bountiful Baskets is a co-op that provides fresh produce at a major discount.  The traditional basket they offer is about 50-60 dollars worth of fruits and vegetables for 15 dollars.  Sometimes they will also offer other things like organic bread and various types of other produce or granola.  This time around they were offering 20 pound boxes of Asian pears for 16.50.  I love Asian pears, so I had to get a box.  I am munching on one even as I type this.  My fridge is full of yummy produce now, which makes me happy.  I love produce, but it is so expensive here that I have a hard time buying it.
If you love produce, I highly recommend getting Bountiful Baskets.  They are amazing.
So, I don't think I have mentioned it before, but I like to write.  I have started about 5 or 6 novels, but I haven't really done anything with them.  I have decided that I am going to finish one, so I have started working on it a few days a week.  Are you interested in reading what I have?  If you are, let me know your email address and I can send you what I have.  If you like it I will send you updates as I complete pages.
Well, that about sums up my life for the past few months.
How have things been going for you?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Walking in a Winter Wonderland. . . NOT!

So, I have been back in the States for about a week and a half now and I feel like I am living in the arctic.  Everything is white and FREEZING!!!
However, I am very excited to be back with my family, especially since my mother and grandmother worked so hard to make a room for me in the basement.
The house we are living in is the house my father grew up in and it has three bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen, a living room and an unfinished basement.  Now imagine trying to fit a family of seven into this house. . .  Somehow my father's family managed it, but I still don't know how they all survived it!  I was expecting to have to share a room with my older sister or to be sleeping on the couch (not a happy thought since my brother likes to get up and wander around at all hours of the night and I am a rather light sleeper most of the time), neither of which I was looking forward to.  I love my older sister, but she goes to bed about two or three hours before I do and my dad is usually watching tv in the living room until he goes to bed, so I don't really have any place that I could do my stuff, like playing on the internet or reading, before I go to bed.  I figured I would find a way to deal with it though.
Well, when I finally got home, my sisters and I, who had driven separately from my parents and brother, walked in the door and my mom called to us from the basement saying a window had broken because of the snow and had shorted out the lights and we needed to go down and help clean up.  We went down and walked to where my parents and brother were and then my younger sister flipped on the lights and there was a cozy little bedroom all set up for me!  It is wonderful.  One wall is just blankets, but that is okay.  It works for me.  I have to have two little electric space heaters running or it gets really cold, but hey, I have my own room!  I am way excited about that.  I love that my family worked so hard to give me my own space.

In other news, my brother got the paternity test results back.  There is a 0% chance that he is the father.  Yay!  He really is too young to be a father and I would not want to subject any child to him as a father at the moment.  I hope that one day he will straighten up and be a great man, but for right now he is just a stupid little boy.  I still love him, but I hate the choices he is making in his life right now.

So, do you ever have a dream that when you wake up, it puts you in a funky mood for the rest of the day?  I had one of those dreams last night, and if I give myself any time to think, I get in a dark, funky mood.  I hate that!

So, I don't recall if I have mentioned it before, but I have a gluten intolerance.  For those of you who don't know what gluten is, it is basically what makes wheat flour sticky.   It can also be found in barley and some types of oats.  So, I have had to make my diet gluten free for the most part.  I can eat small amounts and be okay, but if I eat very much it makes me miserable.  The whole point of this is to let you know that I think I found a new side effect when I eat gluten.
Last night I was a rather bad and ate breaded chicken tenders, ranch dressing (which has monosodium glutamate, a type of gluten), and I rounded it all off by eating two cookies from Subway.  Well, in addition to feeling very sick to my stomach this morning, I also realized that I was much more tired than usual.  I hadn't gotten any less sleep, so I figure that the tiredness must be a side effect of the gluten consumption. . .  I could be wrong, but it is a thought.

Well, I think I have rambled and subject hopped sufficiently for now.  Any fun little anecdotes in your life?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Hey!  How are you doing?  It has been a few months since I updated.  So, here is a summary of the past few months.  School has finished for the semester, but I am teaching a few special winter classes.  I taught a 4 day winter English camp, two days of which were spent at a ski resort.  I have two days of teaching left, Monday and Tuesday of next week.  Then I will be done teaching.  I fly back to the States on January 26th.  How exciting is that?  I am happy to be going home.  I miss my family.
Speaking of my family, I spoke to them today and got some interesting news.  My younger brother informed me that a girl he knows is giving her child up for adoption, and oh, by the way, the child might be yours.  He is going in for the DNA test on Thursday.  Crazy, I know.  He is far too young to be a father.  If it turns out that the child is his, he will have to decide if he wants to consent to giving the child up for adoption or if he wants to take responsibility and raise the child.
I have been mulling this situation over all day and have come to a few realizations/conclusions.
The first is that I really hope the child isn't my brother's.  He really isn't ready for that kind of responsibility.  He is still too young.
Second:  There is a tiny part of me that wants the baby to be his, for very selfish reasons.  I want a baby in my life.  I don't want my own child yet, but I would love to be able to come home and play with a baby for as long as I wanted.  I realize that this is not a good reason for wishing fatherhood on my brother.  He really isn't ready.
I have been missing babies lately.  I love playing with them, but I don't know anyone here who has a baby that I could play with.  Good thing I have a cousin who has a baby, huh?  Guess who I will be kidnapping frequently as soon as I am in the States again?

Two weeks from today I will be leaving Korea for good.  Will I ever make it back here again?  I sure hope so.

Monday, October 3, 2011


So, things have been going pretty well with my weight-loss plan.
I did pretty good working out the first week, but then I got pretty sick for two weeks and was not well enough to work out.  Unfortunately I still haven't gotten back in the groove.  I have been eating much better, though.  And in spite of not exercising, I have still managed to lose almost 9 pounds in three and a half weeks!  I am pretty happy about that.  Hopefully when I start exercising I will lose even more.

Chuseok was a lot of fun.  I ate a lot of really good food, and had a good time visiting with my friend and her family.
I don't know how Sports Day was for the kids, I was really sick and slept through most of it.

Other than that, not much is going on.  I have just been working and hanging out.

I am definitely ready to go back to the US.  I miss my family, as crazy as that sounds.  I think they are ready for me to come home, too.  I can't imagine why, though.  ^^
Well, I think that's all for now.  I will try to post again soon.  No more of this going a month between posts.
Have a great day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Moving on. . .

So, summer holiday has ended and I have resumed teaching.  Kind of. . .  ^^  I work twice in the next two weeks.  Next week is Chuseok (추석) which is the Korean version of Thanksgiving or a Harvest celebration, which ever you prefer.  It lasts about three days and is a big deal.  Many Koreans do a ritual greeting of the ancestors, which is a really cool thing.  If you are ever in Korea and can experience this first hand, do it!  I will be joining my Korean friend and her parents.  I don't know what all they will be doing, I just know there will be a lot of food.
The week after next my school is hosting 'Sports Day', which means the students will go out and do sports for the whole day and there will be no classes.  And the Tuesday before Sports Day, which is Thursday, there will be a Sports Day practice, so no classes that day either!  So, little work, lots of time off!

I am about to embark on a new journey.
I feel like a fat ugly cow all the time.  People are always telling me I am not fat, but I feel like I am.  Especially when I am surrounded by Koreans, who are all twigs.  Well, I have finally had enough.  I am going to start changing things now.  I am going to start working out and eating a lot better.  
Hopefully I can ditch the size 14/16 jeans and get back into size 8.  My goal is to lose about 60 pounds.  I know that anyone who knows me will say I don't need to lose that much, but I do.  >.<
I have just started today, and for the most part, I think it went well.  I stayed in bed longer than I meant to, but that seems to happen on dark rainy days.  After I got up, I did a 30 minute work out.  It is called Hip Hop Abs, and it was a lot of fun!  Then I had breakfast, 2 eggs, scrambled with a little cheese melted in.  Then I cleaned my house, and went into town to do some grocery shopping.  Came home, put everything away and portioned out the meat I bought so I won't eat WAY more than I should, which is a problem I have.  Then I cooked dinner and ate it.  Dinner was lemon pepper pork with rice and a carrot.  Since then I have just been playing on the internet.
I am going to start weighing myself every few days and keeping a food diary of what I eat.  I would say that I would post my food diary on here, but I'm sure that is not something you are interested in.  If I have to write down what I am eating, I am probably going to be less likely to eat a bunch of junk.  I don't have much candy in the house and I bought a bunch of fruits and veggies when I was shopping.  Oranges, yum!  
Here's hoping I can stick to my guns on this!  I am sick of feeling fat, ugly and lazy!
I will be returning home in about 4 months.  I hope to lose enough weight that my family has to do a double take when they see me!
Think I can do it?  Want to join me?

Friday, August 12, 2011


I am such a slacker.  I haven't been doing much of anything this summer, but I haven't made time to post.  Sorry for that.  I'm fired.So, I have made a new friend who lives near me.  She is Korean and has just returned from London.  Her aunt works at my school and decided to introduce us.  I'm glad she did.  My new friend is a really nice girl.  She is a year older than I am, and is interested in similar things.  She came over for dinner last night and we had a good time.  We talked and watched Pride and Prejudice, which is one of my favorite movies.
The plan to go to the beach a few days ago was ruined.  There was a typhoon and while we weren't in the direct path of it, we have been under the cloud cover and it has been rainy and miserable.  So, the beach trip has been postponed for next Wednesday.  Let's hope it works out this time.  I really want to go to the beach.
I have found a new song that I really like.  It is a good song that expresses how many girls feel.  I know it is how I feel all the time.  The name of the song is Ugly by a Korean female pop group called 2NE1.  (Please note that I mock their name all the time and I don't like very many of their songs, but this is the exception)
Here is a video with English subtitles.  The main chorus is in English, but some of the Korean lyrics are really poignant as well.  Let me know what you think.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wow, it's been a while. . .

So, it has been quite a while since I last updated.  Sorry about that.  Life happened.  I was finishing up the semester, and then my computer decided to spazz on me, so I was dealing with those issues.  I finally got the issues fixed and mere hours after I had, my computer blew up, almost literally.  
There was a huge storm here and I guess there was a major power surge.  It fried my computer and my external hard drive where I had everything backed up.  So, I was computer-less for 2 days.
I bought a new computer from the nice electronics store employee.  He is so sweet!  I got free gifts and a major discount on my computer.  Sometimes it is good being the cute foreign girl!
To continue with the positive updates, I had a nice long chat with my friend the other day.  We talked out a lot of the issues we have been having with each other recently, so things are going much better with her now.
I gained a little weight recently, which made me less than pleased, but I seem to be losing it just as quickly, which is good.
I am on summer vacation and loving it.  No having to get up really early after a horrible night of barely sleeping and going to teach all day.  It is nice.  My friend and I are planning a trip to the beach in a week and a half, which I am excited about.  I love the beach!
Hopefully the weather will be better by then.  It has been raining a lot here recently.  Sadly, there has been flooding in Seoul and mudslides in Seoul and Chuncheon, which have killed and injured a number of people.  My heart goes out to all of them.
Well, I think that is it for now.  If anything else fun happens, I will update soon!